I flew home on the red eye last night, and I’m battling some wicked jet lag right now. It’s taken me a five hour nap and three hours of staring blankly at my computer screen to get to the point where I feel I can actually write something intelligible. Regardless, this might end up unintelligible anyway.
I’ve agreed to try my hand at hosting the Carnival of Credit Report Stories on Monday, April 30th. If you have a blog and a story about credit, credit scores, or credit reports, please submit it to me using the carnival submission form. I’d really like some good entries for my first carnival!
Also, if you wouldn’t mind spreading the word about the carnival on your blog, that would be helpful as well. When the boys over at Millionster hosted the carnival, they made this cute chicklet for promoting it:
If you’d like to use it as well, please upload it to your own server. And get those submissions in by 5PM Eastern on Sunday the 29th, please!
^_^ We submitted an article for ya! a 4-pager! lol
I don’t have an entry for this one,m but I am helping spread the word! http://basenjimom.blogspot.com/2007/04/carnival-time.html
you’ve a wonderful sites in this article! would you like to make some invite posts on my sites?