Poorer Than You is a one-woman operation (okay, nowadays I’ve finally managed to hire a small amount of very part-time help), so you don’t have to worry about me collecting your information and using it for much of anything – I simply don’t have the time or resources. But here are my privacy policies, just in case you want to know:
Email Addresses
I have access to your email address if you post a comment, subscribe to the site via email, or email me directly. I do not maintain any sort of “email list,” though if I ever do you will only be on it if you specifically sign up for it. I will sometimes email you directly to discuss a comment you left, or to reply to an email you sent, or to check up on your email subscription. Your email address will never be sold, ever. And it will only be shared with that very-part-time help I mentioned in order to help me with the above activities (following up with you about an email you sent me, etc.).
I have access to your name whenever you comment or email me. You can use whatever name you want (although your use of name when commenting is slightly limited by my comment policy), so feel free to use a pseudonym if you like. If you give me your real name privately (over email or whatever), I will not share it.
Personal Stories
Many people email me with personal stories and questions. I cannot provide answers to every question, but occasionally I will decide to take a question and post it, with an answer, in a blog entry. I will always ask your permission before doing this, and will identify you by a pseudonym and/or change identifying details if you would like me too.
Technical Information
Some of the tracking tools I use on this site give me information such as what browser a visitor uses, what operating system, or what search term brought a person to the site. I cannot tie this information to any one particular visitor – it comes to me in the form of statistics. I use this information to make improvements to the site and to see what information people are looking for. For example, I use some of Google’s tools for this, and here are Google’s Privacy Policy and Terms of Service.
When you leave a comment on this site, it becomes my property. I may repost it within another post in order to answer a question, or I may delete or edit your comment if I feel it is inappropriate. More information is available in the comment policy.
In General
I don’t collect a whole lot of information from my readers. I try to keep things very straightforward and do the best I can to respect your privacy. If you have any questions about a particular privacy issue that you feel I haven’t addressed here, feel free to contact me.