I’m kind of excited – now that January is over, I have the data from two months for my net worth, and I can finally post my graph! When I only had data for December, it looked like I went from a net worth of $0 to -$25,000 in just one month! Now the graph actually has two data points to connect with a line, and I even gained money (or, more appropriately, knocked off more debt than money spent)!
I’m so proud:
The badge itself is sitting over in the sidebar, enjoying his place on honor. Hopefully, he will stay “of honor” and not become a mark of shame!
On a more personal note: looks like I won’t be headed to financial crisis anytime soon. But I will be headed to sunny California for two weeks, leaving Friday! However, there shouldn’t be a break in entries – I’ll have internet access and time aplenty for posting.
Nice! I will be rooting for you from the sidelines as you go from -$25,000 to 0 (and then sky is the limit). Good Luck.