Normally, I love doing my net worth updates. Mmm… tasty numbers and graphs! But September comes with a huge chunk of dread: new student loans! So, let’s see what the damage was this time:
Change: -$2,735 or -8.08 %
Oh, the agony! My net worth chart is starting to look a lot like the stock market. Alas, not much to do about it but keep plugging away at savings. Speaking of savings, how’d that go in September?
Cash accounts: $680 increase
This category includes all of my various savings accounts for my savings snowball. Goal #1, my textbook fund, is completely full and done. Now I’m working on Goal #2, my student loan interest. Next week I’ll go into more detail on how the snowball is rolling.
All in all, I’m pretty happy with September – as long as I ignore the huge debt increase. Such is life, and it will happen again in December, for the last time. That’s right – a degree is within my grasp, and the student loans will finally stop piling up. Huzzah?
For a look at my assets and liabilities, check out my NetworthIQ for September. For an explanation of the categories I use, check out the bottom of my entry about February’s net worth balance.
You’re in good company this month with the decrease! Keep your head up!
Hi! September was brutal for us all. I too love when the new month arrives and I can run the numbers from the previous month. Unfortunately, I took a pretty large hit last month, but hey, I think we all did! Let’s hope October treats us a little better!
Student loans are the worst. What a setup they give them to us when we are too young and naive to realize what we are signing up for.
Net worth may be calcuted based on future earnings also, keep it up, things will get better and you wil not be able to stop money from coming to you.