Another year gone by! It’s time to reevaluate savings goals, take a fresh look at my financial picture, and yes… maybe even make a few of those "resolution" things people keep talking about. But before we move on, it’s time to recap the last month of 2008:
Change: -$6 or -0.02 %
Not too shabby, considering I had severely crippled income in December: two of my jobs ended in November, and the one that’s starting up again doesn’t do so until next week. Also, Christmas!
The key to December was really just hoarding away money during November to make sure that I could last my barren winter month and the holidays.
Also, December was the first time since "that time that I dropped out of school for 9 months" that my student loan balance went down. I took a large portion of my earnings from my fall job, and paid off all the interest that’s accumulated since September of 2007. Feels good!
Over the next few days, I’ll look at what’s happened during these last few years, and what I want to happen in 2009. Happy New Year!
For a look at my assets and liabilities, check out my NetworthIQ for December. For an explanation of the categories I use, check out the bottom of my entry about February’s net worth balance.
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