This is my last net worth update of college! Does this mean we’re seeing the bottom of the “valley” that my net worth is in? Perhaps, but only time will tell on that. For now, all we can do is check in on the current situation.
Change: $187 or 0.49 %
A little positive change for a change! ๐ Not much, but I finished work at the end of January, so I only got one paycheck this month. I’m beefing up my “side hustle” income (blogging, freelancing, etc.) to tide me over while I look for “real work.” In fact, I made quite a bit more than usual in February, but I don’t receive the payments for that until March, so it’s not reflected here. Also, I have to put a lot of it aside for taxes!
I paid some money into my student loan interest, and got the balance back down to its December 2008 level: $42,220. My loans should click over from “in-school deferment” to repayment or grace period any day now. That means my interest charges will spike up… fun!
I’ve stopped depreciating the value of my car for my net worth. Right now, it’s in between the Kelly Blue Book value for trade-in and private party sale, so that’s just about perfect, as far as I’m concerned.
There may be some rough months ahead, but I’m really hopeful that over time, we will come to see this as the “turning point.” Just remember, all those drops from before represent me getting a Bachelor’s degree! (I have to remind myself, most days.)
Welcome to the “real world!” What kind of work are you looking for? I hope it’s in a market thats hiring in this economic climate. When I graduated two years ago my first big tax return payed off all the deferred student loan interest accumulating during college!
I suggest you read “Never Eat Alone.” It will really change your job search/approach. I bet your school has a copy or two.
@Mike: Well, my degree is in Applied Arts and Sciences. It’s a multidisciplinary degree: my concentrations were in Film Production and Business Studies. I’m not interested in pursuing film work at this time. The one thing I seem to be really good at? Stage managing for live theater. There are some internships for this that might work out for me. It’s also been suggested to me that I would make a good financial aid counselor – that’s an idea I’m willing to consider. My degree and my talents have sort of resigned me to permanent “starving artist” status… maybe.
@dogatemyfinances: I’ve heard of that book before, quite a lot. My school library does have two copies of it, but I no longer have library card access there! I guess I could go in and sit down and read it in the library, or have a friend check it out for me. I can get my own library card access again once I get an “alumni ID card.” There’s another item for my post-college to-do list!
Congrats on the BA. I havent been following too long so it may be belated but nevertheless, its a great accomplishment. I am about half way through mine, and not looking forward to the repayment. Cant they just call it even if I tell everyone I went there? ๐
Good luck on the job search as well. I am sure you will find what you are looking for.
@Jesse: thank you! Actually, it’s a Bachelor’s of Science, not a BA. Confusing, I know. I always say that my degree requires 100% more explaining than the average Bachelor’s degree! ๐
I hope you have some good luck getting your net worth going the other way! It sure is satisfying to watch it climb back up after watching it drop for so long.
Congratulations, Stephanie! A B.S. is quite an accomplishment, and hopefully you’ll have plenty of luck in finding a job. I’ll second the thought of being a financial aid counselor; it seems that it’s something you’d enjoy and at which you’d be quite good. Keep us up to date on your job hunt process!