Greetings, my fellow debt-fighters. I stand here before you, a general in this War on Debt! Though I only enlisted some four months ago, I have been fighting this war for much longer… since The Debt led a sneak attack against me when I began my university education. But I have joined up, and I’m taking the fight to them! Here are how things have progressed since my “Resolutions are for sissies!” speech:
The Main Objectives
Get a job: I have a part time job now, and this website has become a part-time job on it’s own. I’m also looking for some other income streams, because money is my ammunition, and I need a lot of it.
Sell something on eBay: Ok, I haven’t yet. But I have sold several textbooks and some furniture using other internet sites, so it’s a start. Getting ready for the move to the suburbs is unearthing a lot of items to sell (for ammunition)!
Get rid of all this stuff: I’ve been going through everything in the process of packing. I’m really hoping to get it down to a bare minimum, which really requires going through each box of “stuff” multiple times. I burned a lot of stuff in a bonfire this past weekend (which was awesome).
Make a budget… again: I’ve actually kept on top of my spending and my budget (which is really just a balance sheet) this whole time. It’s a habit now, and I freak out if it gets messed up. Point is, I know exactly how money has flown in and out of my life since the beginning of 2007.
Start a retirement fund – for serious: Nope, haven’t done this. I really don’t think I will until my credit card is paid off, and I’ve started a mini emergency fund.
Go back to school: Currently, it looks like I should be back for the Fall 2007 term. Woot!
Pay off my credit card: I haven’t made as much progress as I would like, but that could change very soon. Now that I have my part time job, I’ll have more ammunition to throw at this Axis of Evil!
Secondary Objectives
Pay off my car: Been making steady progress, but even better, it looks like my loan may be forgiven after this month’s payment. Either my grandmother, who is the one I bought the car from, will just forgive the loan, or my mother will pay the rest off for me (I may, however, have to start making payments to her, if she does that!). If the loan is forgiven, that’s one Enemy Nation of Debt conquered, and I can take all the troops that were fighting there, and direct them at Credit Cardonia and The United Forces of Student Loan.
Get a better job: I’m not gonna lie, I like my new job, and because it’s all online work, I can do it from anywhere (I’ll likely live out half the summer in Los Angeles) and I can continue to do it when I go back to school. Still, I’m on the lookout for additional streams of income, and may even start another business when I go back to school. More ammunition!
Organize a killer garage sale: So far, this has consisted of packing up boxes of stuff to sell. The garage sale will probably take place just before or just after we move (July 1st).
Start up that business I thought of: This really isn’t relevant until I go back to school.
Start up some other business I haven’t thought of yet: No ideas percolating right now, but I’ll let you know.
Try out Prosper: As a lender, I mean. This is probably also a “after I have defeated the credit card” thing.
Start a protest outside a Wal-Mart: Not yet, but it’s always possible!
Final Thoughts
This war may never be truly over. There will be conflicts with The United Forces of Student Loan for a long time yet. And if our imperialist nature brings us to conquering a house of our own, we can expect attacks from Greater Mortgage Payment. However, all is not lost, so long as the interest rates are low, our aim true, and our payments on time.