Blargh – I’m sick! I babysat for my sick niece and nephew last week, so I am fairly sure I picked up a bug from one of them. I’m nowhere near as ill as they were – I don’t have a fever or anything, just a three-day-long sinus headache. Or maybe it’s due to the fact that the weather has rapidly turned warm and humid – it’s 50 degrees (F) out at the moment.
I’m going to make myself some soup! In the meantime, why don’t you check out the blog carnivals that PTY has participated in this last week:
The 190th Carnival of Personal Finance: Buddy, Can You Spare a Dime? over at Funny About Money featured my article Is It OK to Bridge the Gap With Credit Cards? Interestingly enough, MSN’s SmartSpending blog also linked and commented on that article, in Should her credit card be her backup plan?
The Carnival of Twenty Something Finances over at Debt Reduction Formula chose my post I Will Not Be Able to Afford My Student Loans as an Editor’s Pick. Bah, those loans make my head hurt more, just thinking about them!
Take it easy everyone – enjoy the nice weather if you’ve got it!
Congratulations on the features. It sounds like you’ve been plenty of (justifiable) publicity lately.