Before I get into the carnival and point out my favorites, I’d like to issue an apology. RSS feed subscribers were subjected to some wonkiness the last couple of days – not limited to duplicate items and truncated articles. I apologize – the feed was the injured party in my server move. I hope no one unsubscribed because they thought I have moved to partial feeds – it was just a glitch! This article and all future articles should publish the full article! And now, on to my carnival highlights!
This edition of the Carnival of Personal Finance was hosted by the Frugal Law Student and is the BEST WEEK EVER Edition (one of my favorite shows – it will probably be one of the only ones I start watching when I return home and have cable!). My College Freshman Checklist was included. Here are the other articles that I thoroughly enjoyed:
The Dough Roller shares 10 Things I Now Know at 40 That I Wish I Knew at 20 – maybe some of us that are 20 can take this advice and run with it!
Plonkee Money gives a lesson in British Money Slang – something that interests the linguist in me quite a bit! (That’s why I took Latin in high school instead of an modernly useful language.)
Millionaire Mommy let loose the secret of How I Became a Millionaire While Working In My Pajamas – what I like about her story is that there really is no secret to it!
Saving Advice did a wonderful photo essay of 25 Money Confessions.
Thanks again to the Frugal Law Student for hosting the carnival this week!
Thanks for your mention of my millionaire in PJ’s post! My main goal for blogging is to empower others to achieve fnancial freedom, too. I’m happy to hear that I’m successful in removing the mystery behind the process.