What do Will Smith, Samuel L. Jackson, the Jonas Brothers, Christian Slater, Cedric the Entertainer, Seth Green, Oscar the Grouch, Rosario Dawson and the E*Trade Babies know about personal finance? Hopefully a lot, because tonight they’re all participating in a one-hour ABC Special called UN-BROKE: What You Need to Know About Money.
I found out about UN-BROKE last week when an awesome teenager (and fellow Buffy fan) I know posted this clip staring Seth Green on her Facebook account:
(RSS and email readers may have to visit the site to see the video)
I was thoroughly impressed with this clip — not only is Seth Green still one of my favorite actors, the financial advice in the clip is fairly sound. Sure, some of the advice is a little generalized, for example: keeping your housing costs under 1/3 of your gross monthly is a good rule-of-thumb, but it should really be less than that if you have significant debt. Still, if you’re looking for a little financial education that’s pretty much guaranteed not to be boring, this is definitely worth checking out.
If you want to see more clips from UN-BROKE, there’s some related videos in the embedded video player above you can watch. Or you can visit ABC’s UN-BROKE website and watch them there.
UN-BROKE hits the airwaves tonight, May 29th at 9pm EDT. Check your locals listings for more details. And if you’re on Twitter, you can catch me (and many others) live-Tweeting the special using the hashtag #unbroketv. You can join in as well, just by adding that hashtag to any tweets about the show!
Hopefully the special will be up on ABC’s streaming video service after it airs, for any of you who miss it tonight!
Nice click; I’m a big Seth Green fan, as well (Buffy just wasn’t as good when he left), and this special looks like it would have have been pretty interesting. Hopefully, they’ll re-air it sometime soon (or put it up on Hulu or something).
I saw Un-Broke. It might be helpful for those who are totally clueless about finances, but for me it didn’t help. I already knew all the info provided and put it in practice. So I guess I’m on the right track? lol
Interesting video, definitely targeted towards teens though. I agree with Meari…the content would be helpful for people who know nothing about the financial world rather than those with fundamental knowledge already.
I like the video, because it can make laugh
Hello. Could you check this page please, the video seems to be missing! Thanks!