[Update: This giveaway is now closed, and the winners have been contacted and received their prizes. Thanks to all who entered!]
If after my post on taxes yesterday, you’ve decided to mount up and file your taxes ASAP, I don’t blame you! In fact, I may even be able to help.
The nice folks at H&R Block TaxCut also saw my post yesterday, and have given me two coupon codes to giveaway to you guys. The coupon code will get you free TaxCut Premium federal + state + e-file software (digital download). That’s a $45.95 value.
So, if you want to do your taxes early, I’ll help you out and give you one of these nifty coupon codes. Just leave a comment on this entry before midnight, January 31st. I’ll pick two commenters at random and email them the coupon codes. (This, of course, means you’ll have to use a valid email address when you leave your comment.)
Happy taxes!
One entry per person – multiple comments will not increase your chance of winning, so don’t try it.
I’m starting an MBA a program in the fall, and need to do my taxes ASAP for the financial aid application. I think this will be the first time I’m not filing on April 15th!
What a cool giveaway! I’d definitely be interested in giving H&R a try!
How can I resist? Count me in! ๐
I’ve always been a TurboTax guy, but for *free* I could definitely be swayed to try another service!
how cool! in these economic times, this would be so great!!!
love the blog, btw!!
Count me in, too!
hey, that sounds like a great idea. Count me in as well. Doing the taxes is bound to give anyone a headache, and now coupon codes that entitles the user to a tax cut as well as a efile software, are you kidding? Need you even ask, of course, I want in. Hope that I do win it! Thnx!
I’ve been using TurboTax for the past 3 years but I am always down for trying new Tax software especially if it is FREE!
I’d love it! My family needs some software assistance especially as this year presents a lot of changes to our tax situation (more complex than before!). So it would help out A LOT and would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you for doing this great drawing.
A fellow poor college student could definitely use the help!
Count me in! Since I live in California, I can’t find many tax e-filers that I don’t have to pay for! I’d love this software so that I don’t have to do my state taxes on paper again this year!
I’d love to try it – thanks for putting this up! ๐
Ooh, this would be so helpful. I’m trying to get everything done ASAP so I can file the 2009-2010 FAFSA yesterday.
*crosses fingers*
me please
It would be so nice to use this to get my $55 federal refund! ๐
LOL if my taxes weren’t already filed, I’d jump in, but I’m glad someone can get a great deal. ๐ Good luck everybody!
This would definitely be great to use!
It’s nice of Tax Cut to do this, especially because I’m in the process of shopping for tax software right now (Turbo Tax or Tax Cut). Odds are good that since this is the first time I’m buying tax software that whatever I use this year is what I’ll buy next year.
If randomly selected, they’ll almost definitely get my business for the foreseeable future.
If not, then I guess they’ve got a 50/50 shot of being the software with the best price when I am ready to buy.
I’ve tried the online versions of both TaxCut and TurboTax… TaxCut was awesome, and TurboTax will never, ever, ever again be used by me.
Me wantee freething.
Thanks for yet another great giveaway, Stephanie! ๐
Please send me a coupon, I have two states to do =(
Pick me!
Thanks as always for great content!
Wow. I guess I’ll wait a little longer to file this year! I usually use the free filing provided by the IRS but this would be way better!
That would be awesome! I used their online system last year which worked pretty well. It would be nice to get the free files too since I’ll probably be helping my mother, sister, and aunt&uncle do their taxes this year!
I’d love to win this!
My husband and I are both unemployed and this tax refund will really help us pay for car insurance and homeowners taxes. The sooner we can get it back the better. I will probably have to paper file unless I win this coupon code!
Cool…used Tax Act last year, but I’d love to give this a shot.
I used a H&R Block office for my taxes last year, I’m sure I could get by with just the software. Thanks!
Would love this!
Between finishing up law school (and my subsidized loans coming up for repayment this year), and trying to find a job after I graduate, this would be veeeeery helpful!
OOO that would be great! I hope I win!
Hooray free!
Boo taxes.
Thanks. This will be really helpful!
Pick me!
Hi, I am a first-time visitor. My husband has insisted on using TaxCut for our taxes every year for the past 10 years. I was searching the Sunday paper the past several weeks for a good deal and so far the best offer is for $5 off and a free DVD or software with purchase. I wonder if it will get any better the closer we get to April. Now this raffle is the best deal ever! For the winners anyway.
Sorry to be a pain, but have you picked a winner yet? On principle every year I am antsy to get my taxes done — I hate giving the government a 0% loan on my tax refund!
@Chris – yes, sorry, and thank you. The winners have been contacted individually by email, accepted their prizes, and have been emailed their coupon codes. I was waiting to announce this, because I wanted to make sure there weren’t any problems with the coupon codes that I sent to the winners. Since I haven’t heard any complaints from them, I’m going to assume that all is well, and they are happy with their prize.
Hello everybody, don`t forget to pay all your taxes.Don`t be late ๐
Just a note for 2010 tax filers. H&R Block’s online tax software is no longer called TaxCut. It’s now called H&R Block At Home. Hopefully that relieves some confusion. Also, if you want to compare the different providers of online tax software, check out http://www.tax-compare.com
I typically use TurboTax, but would be willing to try out HR Blocks software … especially if it is free! Pick me!