[Update: This offer no longer exists. It was a great program while it lasted. From time to time, I’ve been known to highlight other giveaways for things like free iPods. Check out the Sweepstakes category for the latest giveaways!]
Yes, I love WOWIO even more now. My free iPod shuffle, which I got for referring 10 people to WOWIO, came today. Want your own completely free iPod shuffle (that’s right, I didn’t pay shipping or anything)? The promotion is still going on. Check out WOWIO, and sign up. At the end of the registration process, when it asks who referred you, put
This is my friend’s email address, and will help him get his iPod shuffle. Why should you bother to credit my friend, you ask? Well, because it will give you good referral karma, which will help you get YOUR ten referrals! So once you’ve signed up, convince ten of your friends that WOWIO is a truly awesome service, and have them sign up, crediting your email address.
It’s very, very easy (I managed to convince 10 people in two days), and WOWIO truly is a great service.
Also, if you sign up under the email address above, feel free to send me an email using my contact form. Once my friend has his 10 referrals, replace his email address on this page with the first person who emailed me, and once they get their ten, I’ll put up the next email address, and so forth. This page, as of June 2007, still gets several hits from search engines every day!
(Number of people I’ve referred who have also gotten their own iPod shuffle: 4)
Hey, I’m doing my best to get a shuffle for my little brother, but I seem to be having some problems convincing my friends that this is a legit offer. So I was wondering if some people would be willing to help me out. my email is (kmcdon07 [at] baker.edu)
thank you so much.
thanks thanks thanks for posting this… im so glad i stumbled across your site… your friend just got one referla closer to his shuffle
Could someone please help me get that ipod shuffle, my email is slju8@bellsouth.net
How do you know how many referals you have??
If you log onto Wowio, and go your account page, it will show a graphic for the free iPod Shuffles, and under that it will tell you how many referral you have. It should also show it on Wowio’s main page when you’re logged in.
If you have any trouble, just email Wowio customer service. I had a little bit of trouble with one of my referrals not showing up, so I emailed them, and they wrote back to me in less than 20 minutes (it was off-hours, too!). I was amazed and impressed.
I don’t see it there… do you have to wait until some one signs up with ur user name first before the graphic comes up?
I need a ipod shuffle!I need a iPod shuffle becauseeverywhere i see there is someone with one!If you could send me a FREE Pink ipod i would be for ever greatful if you could send me it in the color pink since that is my favorite color!Obvisiously i am a kid and i am sad to say that i am not rich.So i would need it absolutley FREE of couse!Once again if you could send me a FREE PINK iPod Shuffle i would tell everyone i know how cool and let everyone know who you are. I would also lik it in Pink because that was my grandmothers favorite color and well…she past away last year.if you could get back to me on my screen name on instant messagin to tell me that you can send me a pink ipod SHUFFLE that would be even more satifying!I just wish that i could fit in with everone else and get a FREE Pink iPod shuffle! And if you could remember to put it in the color PINK! And even more impotant can you mak sure the pink iPod shufle is absolutley FREE! Thank You,
P.S. Make sure its pink and Free
Kayla –
While I appreciate your initiative in asking for a shuffle, I’m about the last person you should be asking! Remember, I’m poorer than you are! π
I’m not sure how old you are, but regardless, you should consider starting your own business to earn money for the things you want. I started my own newspaper at age 6 and soon enough was making $30 a month with it! It’s really not as hard at it seems – think of something you like doing, and then research ways to make money with it.
And I’m always here to help if you’d like, but I’m afraid I have no pink shuffle to give you.
To our international friendsβ¦
Due to variations in copyright laws and rights
restrictions on many of the books on this site,
WOWIO is currently only available to people
living in the United States.
please my i have a free ipod we aren’t rich to buy an ipod i alwys ask for a ipod fromy father he slaps me and he calls me an idiot