“From My Reader” is a weekly series, highlighting one of over 30 blogs that I track using Google Reader.
I Will Teach You To Be Rich by Ramit Sethi is the personal finance blog that got me interested in personal finance blogs, so I hold it very close to my heart. Ramit’s writings are full of no-nonsense, kick-in-the-butt type advice meant to jumpstart people in their twenties, and get us thinking about personal finance.
If you’ve never been to the site, start out by visiting the Table of Contents, where you can see every article on the site laid out in an easy format. If you’re new to personal finance as well at Ramit’s site, try starting out by reading the Introductory Articles – that’s where I started, and look at me now! Er… well, I mean, look at my knowledge now, not my net worth! ;o)
Ramit’s focus is more on people getting started and knowing what they spend their money on, rather than just being insanely frugal. I have to agree – what good does it do to save money if you don’t know how much you’re spending the in first place?
Does Ramit make money from his site? People ask that like it’s some indicator for how reliable the information is. Ridiculous question, but nevertheless: Yes, Ramit makes money, but indirectly. I Will Teach You To Be Rich contains no ads. Instead, readers contact him to give personal finance seminars, and recently he sold a short ebook on the site, which I myself purchased and enjoyed.
Recent articles worth reading:
Some people think there’s only a limited amount of money
Free chapter from Ramit’s 2007 Guide to Kicking Ass (the ebook)
Personalized tax answer for iwillteachyoutoberich readers – The second question answered was mine, and because of this, I was finally able to do my taxes!
Hey steph!! Garrrrr im having domain issues of my own — so yeah millionster.com expired because 1and1.com refused to give me the proper authorization code to transfer it! Doh! *angry* So I’m trying to figure that out etc etc. I’ll be back.
Hey, this is a neat idea. I just might steal it 🙂
Yeah that is a good blog to read, and earning money from the net has become much more easier in these days.
Hm… A very nice site. I hope that i will learn many thing from here because the titles sounds very promising.
Nice blog. Always looking for better ways to make money. And you can’t ignore anything titled “I will teach you to be rich”, lol… its very to the point =P