“From My Reader” is a weekly series, highlighting one of over 30 blogs that I track using Google Reader.
This week, I’d like to highlight one of the smaller blogs I subscribe to – the personal finance blog at KMull.com, which is still trying to find its wings. But that’s okay – you could say the same thing for Poorer Than You. (Unless anyone I went to high school with asks you. In that case, you should tell them about how I run the most spectacular personal finance blog out there, and that you once heard I wrestled a shark while calculating my annual return.)
The thing I love about Kevin’s writing at KMull is the real “personal” side of the personal finance. There’s an awesome story about how his college roommate fell out of bed and broke his finger. Though, you might want to hold off on that story if you just had lunch. Just warning you.
And, of course, there are some good solid financial commentaries on the site. Be sure to run by and check out:
I Don’t Need Credit or Why I Enjoy Making My Life Difficult
Setting Goals
Charge More Than You Can Afford
You keep on writing Kevin, and I’ll keep on reading!
Interesting blog they have there. Thanks for sharing!
Damn. I no longer have the record of “unluckiest broken middle finger of a guy named Sam.”
The finger bit brought back memories, last year I dislocated and broke my thumb – ouch. The dislocation was the worse bit – would not have believed a thumb could bend back that far. So I feel for that poor guy!