Interested in writing for Poorer Than You? Or have a product you’d like me to review? This page is for guest posts or sponsored post proposals (either the kind you write, or that I write, it all goes here). If you were hoping to write a personal money essay for pay, you don’t want this page – that’s the Making Do project.
Guest posts are freely given without pay. They are usually written by other bloggers (or podcasters/etc.) looking to share something with the Poorer Than You audience. All guest posts that are highly relevant and beneficial to the low-income PTY readers will be considered, but to be accepted a guest post must also include your unique perspective on the subject matter. (In other words, “6 Ways to Pay Off Credit Card Debt” is meh, but “How I Paid Off My Credit Card While Working a Minimum Wage Job” is way better.) If you have a post from your own unique perspective like this, feel free to submit it in the form below.
Sponsored posts are where you pay me to write about a product/service, or you pay to have your post published on Poorer Than You. This is extremely rare – PTY only features products that I absolutely believe in and that present a win-win for low-income folks. If you have a product that’s a total win for low-income folks, feel free to submit a proposal in the form below.