Back in September, I applied for a Citibank student card, and had a terrible time verifying my student status. After a solid month of trying and getting the runaround, I dropped it and ended up getting a different card.
Times may have changed, though. A friend of mine applied for the student version of Citibank’s Driver’s Edge card, and was approved without having to submit any of the insane paperwork that I was asked for. Has anyone else applied for a Citi student card in the last few months? Did they make you verify your status as a student?
If this actually has changed, that changes my opinion on whether Citibank’s student cards are worth it or not!
Update: To my knowledge, Citi is still using this verification process. It appears that only certain people are selected for verification, for whatever reason. It may be random, or it may be based on the information you provide when you apply. Best of luck in avoiding verification if you do apply for a Citi student card!
My wife got the Citi mtvU card (5% back at restaurants; students only) a couple years back without giving any verification.
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did your friend really get to apply for a card at citibank without the hassle of going through a student verification process? i googled this just now and i tried to find out from citibank’s site but i didn’t find anything. if this is true then good news for all students who want to apply for a credit card.
I have applied for and received two Citi student credit cards in the past three years, and neither time was I informed that they were doing any sort of verification, outside of the fact that I used my .edu email address.
Same as Richard, I’ve never had to verify my student status, but I did use my college email address to apply.
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