I had the privilege and the pleasure of being interviewed for REPORTER Magazine, the weekly campus magazine for Rochester Institute of Technology. For those of you unfamiliar with the REPORTER, it’s the only full color weekly college magazine in the US!
I was honored to be given the chance to share my story for an article on student debt (the story appears on the 9th page of the PDF file), an issue that I unfortunately know a lot about, but also care a lot about, as well. I’d like to take a minute here and welcome anyone who’s come to the site because of the article, and help you to find your way around the site!
If you’re interested in more information about my dropping out of school, and then my return this quarter, then check out these posts:
Why I Left School (January)
Why I’m Going Back to School (May)
These posts might give you a little insight into my personal financial situation:
Financial Aid Dilemma (August)
Net Worth Update: August 2007
About Poorer Than You
And the following is a taste of the college-themed articles on the site:
The Road to Millions Starts at Age 16
Sold on Rented Textbooks?
College Freshman Checklist
Money Advice for the College Student
If you enjoy reading the posts here at Poorer Than You, please consider subscribing to the RSS feed to get updates whenever I post! I also offer an email subscription option, if that works better for you. Also, you might want to join the newly formed “Poorer Than You” Facebook Initiative, if you’re a Facebook user.
Thanks for coming by, and GO RIT TIGERS!
There are under 100 instances of the phrase “Go RIT tigers” on the Internet (Google). In fact, this comment will make 100 even. Anywho, congrats on the article!