Things have, oh, hit the fan. What was supposed to be my last week of summer “vacation” has turned into “the incredibly crazy week where everything happens at once, and all the information I need in order to make decisions is still up in the air.” So while I simultaneously run around like a headless chicken and sit tight waiting for answers, I figured I ought to give you guys at least something to chew on.
So here: a bunch of links that I’ve been meaning to share, but haven’t yet been able to work into any posts. There’s some really great stuff that I’ve just been sitting on! Today’s theme is…
Credit Scores and Reports
Money Saving Tips: Credit Scores, Everything You Need to Know – Originally titled “Credit Scores: Yes, You Should Give a Damn,” this article by my good buddy Cap gives you the straight dope on what a credit score really is, and how to get yourself a good one.
How to Find One’s Credit Report and Credit Score Inexpensively and Safely – There are a lot of websites out there that offer “free” credit scores, when what they really mean is either “fake credit scores” or “take your information and sell it.” This guide will help you find your true credit report and score in the shark infested waters, without spending more that you have to.
FICO Score Estimator – Too broke or lazy to get your credit score? Me too. Well, the broke part, anyway. If you’re just looking out of curiosity, and don’t need the actual score for any reason, this estimator can help you figure out what range your score falls in.
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