The personal finance space is filled with people in higher incomes talking about how easy it is to manage money, but for those of us in lower income brackets, it’s not always easy. Sometimes we have to choose between food and rent just to make ends meet. When there isn’t a lot of margin, money is stressful.
The Making Do project was started as a way for low to middle income individuals to share their stories of disappointment, excitement, and rage about money. It’s an honest look at the lower income brackets and how they manage money — told by the people living it.
Poorer Than You’s “Making Do” program supports low income, unemployed, and underemployed folks by paying them – specifically, paying them to share their personal money stories through writing, photography, and art to be shared here on the Poorer Than You blog.
Now open for submissions!
Writer submission/application form
Artist submission/application form
Become a sponsor: Help fund Making Do through Ko-fi!