The majority of my friends won’t touch a glass of alcohol, in any form, with a ten foot pole. I figured this would change as time went on, but so far, I can only think of two people that crossed the non-drinker line. It hasn’t been much more than a slight annoyance, seeing as I myself have not yet reached the legal drinking age, but now I’m starting to think that my of-age friends should consider changing their tune.
Why? Because drinkers earn 10-14% more than non-drinkers. Cheers!
There are actually health benefits to moderate alcohol consumption as well. More specifically wine…
Drinking is wrong in any form. You are just an alcoholic.
@l: wrong in any form? and you’re the sole arbiter of this, eh? well, i guess i’ll just change my tune right this instant because you said so!
the internet – where anyone can be anything they want to be, including a random, proselytizing moron. hurry up and drink the kool-aid already. really.