Change: -$558 or -1.47 %
Rough month, with moving and everything. Nothing I wasn’t prepared for, but…
I need a job.
Thankfully, things are looking up. As of today, I have a solid lead on a freelance gig, and a lot of job applications floating around. In other words, there’s one fish in my barrel and a few nibbling on my line, and… okay, I don’t fish, so I’m not really sure what the metaphor is for having sent out applications. “I have some more lines cast?” Does anyone really fish like that?
Things are lookin’ up, pups!
Yikes.. and I thought my net worth situation was poor. “Poorer than you” isn’t just a cool blog name after all! Fingers crossed things start to improve for you soon. 🙂
Thanks Lee! Yeah, I can’t wait for the day when people ask “Why is your site called ‘Poorer Than You?’ You’re not poor at all!” That will be a good question to have to answer 🙂
Yes, that’ll be a fun story to relate indeed once your fortunes start to scale in the opposite direction! 🙂