New year, new job… but how’s it all shaping up? Let’s take a look!
Change: +$4,294 or +36.76%
January Net Worth: $15,975
A nice (very nice!) change there. But, I don’t expect the trend to continue at quite such a speedy way. This month, there were a lot of boosts to my accounts from the start of the year (matching deposits into retirement accounts), whereas next month, I expect to be shelling out for at least one big expenditure: a new computer. And not just any old computer — I’m pimping out the best built-from-scratch computer I can afford in order to handle the livestream broadcast for my charity fundraising group, the U-Pick Video Game Marathon for Charity.
Not that, you know, I won’t use the new computer for other things than charity fundraisers. It’ll replace my seriously aging laptop, and I will use it’s awesome power to handle new video games to… play lots of new video games. Or at least, work through the ridiculous backlog of Steam games I’ve picked up during Steam sales and Humble Bundles.
But anyway, my husband and I have been saving up for new computers for a while now. In December we bought him a new Chromebook with some of the money in the “New Computers” savings account, and this month, we’ll be spending the rest building our ridiculous gaming/streaming rig. Success!
What savings goal are you looking forward to reaching, so that you can finally buy, build, or make what you’ve been saving for? Let me know in the comments, below!
Also, if you’d like to see how I stack up against other personal finance bloggers, be sure to check out The Ultimate List of Blogger Net Worths over on Rockstar Finance!
The more I try the more it is seems difficult. However by reducing some of my luxurious expenses I have been able to lift the savings a bit this month. Still it is a long shot before the goal of buying a new Ipad this month finally realizes.
Nice, Andrew! Good for you! 😀
Hey Thanks Stephanie 🙂
Occasionally I read your blog,from these i found out the Americans life. i download all your blog,and put it on my ebook reader NOOK.I am fourty years old chinese,and used to save money for futur,buy building or other things.
Now,i have two house buildings,and all money invested in P2P company,about $10,0000,last year rate was 12%,now it is 10%.
I like reading your blog,and i will follow you,nice girl!:)