The Back to School group writing project at the College Money Network is in full swing! You’ve entered the giveaway already, right? Well, good! Make sure you check out the great posts that have been written by the group so far:
Broke Grad Student kicked things off with 6 Cool Ways to Track Your Expenses Online
Green Panda Treehouse wants to help with Maximizing Your Financial Aid
This Writer’s Wallet offers up 5 Things Every College Freshman Needs to Know
Spilling Buckets tells you How To Save a Bunch of Money Buying College Textbooks
and here at Poorer Than You, you got the tools to Make This the Year for Scholarships.
Stay tuned! We’ve got another week of back to school posts for you!
Blog Carnivals that featured PTY this past week:
Festival of Frugality #137 at Frugal Homemaker Plus
Carnival of Personal Finance: City Slickers Edition at Squawkfox
this is making me want to go back for my masters. hopefully the blog you have here is going to earn you some extra coin and make things a bit easier to do.
good luck!