The new college semester is about to start. You have selected your courses. You have paid your tuition. You have purchased your textbooks. Now it’s time to figure out this social life situation. Wait, what’s so difficult about figuring out your social life? Well if you fail to plan then you plan to fail. Saving money while trying to have a social life is a hot topic amongst 20 somethings these days. As a result I figured I would share some tips on saving money on entertainment:
Contact the establishment ahead of time
If you’re heading out in a large group then you should call the place ahead of time to confirm. Not only should you make reservations but you should swing some sort of savings. I mean after all you’re bringing the place your business (and the business of your friends). Some clubs will throw in free cover for the group and priority seating. The best we have ever been able to swing is a free limo pickup and free cover for a group of 10+.
Have a few drinks before you go out
If you guys are planning to go out strictly for drinks only then you should have a few drinks before you head out. This way you will drink less at the club/bar where the drinks are more expensive. Predrinking can save you thousands of dollars through your college career. Of course you don’t want to get intoxicated to the point that you make a fool of yourself but hopefully you know your limits by now. If not, you live you learn.
Use your student status for discounts
You can head out to the campus pub where drinks and food are traditionally cheaper. You can also go to bars that have special designated college nights. Another great option is to carry your student ID card on you because many places give student discounts. At most restaurants, if you can’t get a deal on drinks you can probably get a lower price on the food.
When it comes to movies, consider renting & staying in
Instead of paying $15 each to see a new release at the local movie theatre you should try having a movie night at someone’s house. One person rents the movie, someone else brings the food, another friend brings the drinks and you got a great night going. Believe me there are many movies out there to rent so don’t feel like your options are limited. I would like to personally recommend “old school” nights. Rent a movie you enjoyed many many years ago and watch it again. The Weekend At Bernie’s, Goodfellas, Terminator, just to name a few classics. Nothing wrong with a trip down memory lane.
I know there are more creative options for saving money on entertainment but this is where you the readers interact and get involved!
As an RITer, I feel obligated to say the geek option: LAN parties. Almost everyone has a computer, and most people already have laptops. Surely one of your friends has a router/hub/switch. Or, as is becoming more popular, most game consoles can hook together anymore.
And then, switching away from computers, board/card games. No, I do not mean Monopoly and poker (but if that’s what you’re into, hey, have fun). Red Dragon Inn, Munchkin, and Arkham Horror are my current favorites. After an initial investment, you can basically have free fun nights (food and drinks not included in “free”).
Hey Sam, remember that time you whipped us all in Munchkin? Yeah, we still hate you =P
But those were the days, right? Munchkin is great because everyone can buy just one different set, and then the game is always different based on who’s there and which sets are in play. I still say we need to do “Star Munchkin” + “The Good, The Bad, and the Munchkin” (+ possibly “Munchkin Booty”) to give us… FIREFLY MUNCHKIN! Throw in “Munchkin Bites” and you’ve got yourself a fully-fledged Joss Whedon-verse Munchkin night 🙂
Think of the savings! This is just one of the ways that I cut back on my spending when I realized how much each month was going out the door on restaurants and bars.
Just do not to much PREDRINK ..if you have to drive 😉
It’s always a great thing to make a budget plan for you and your family
And yes, please don’t drink and drive. Stay home and grab a netflix movie or something