Whether you’re a subscriber via RSS, email, or you just check the site regularly for updates, you’ve noticed by now that I just haven’t been writing lately. Especially keen observers will notice this started when I began working full-time. It’s true: I haven’t yet mastered the coveted work/life balance. It makes a sort of sense: I’m only just out of college and work/life balance is something it takes people years to achieve.
Unfortunately, PTY has become the victim hit hardest by my new big-girl life. While strictly speaking I have “time” to write for it, I do not have the mental energy anymore. Days bleed together and creative projects fall by the wayside.
So rather than let PTY languish any longer, I’m going to take this last opportunity to make a clean break. I’ll write up a comprehensive guide to the archives that will be the new front page of the site, and that will be my last post. This way, all of the invaluable information in the archives will be easily accessible and still open and free to the masses.
I have not come to this decision lightly. Blogging has brought me friendships, a bit of money, a strange sort of internet-fame, and most importantly, it got me through the roughest patch of life I’ve experienced so far. But given the choice between watching PTY slowly fall into disarray, or taking the steps today to put it to rest properly, I think the choice is clear here.
(And maybe it will give me time to actually read the Hitchhiker’s Trilogy, since I’m really sort of a phony, using this post title without having finished those books.)
Many thanks to the thousands of you who have made PTY a success, and the handful of you who contributed time and time again. I hope you’ll continue to follow my inane and ultimately pointless ramblings on Twitter, since that’ll be the place to find out if I ever start a new project.
[Edit: April Fool’s! :)]
This was posted on April Fool’s Day ๐
If it were indeed true, wouldn’t you wait a day to avoid confusion?
Congratulations on becoming an adult. It comes with hard decisions, but in the end I’m sure it’s worth it. Good luck with all of your future endeavors.
I’ll miss your blogging but good luck to you!
And good riddance to you Steph. Who cares about you or your blog, anyway?
(Happy April Fool’s Day)
I enjoyed your blog and writing. Good luck.
Oh yeah . . . “Days bleed together and creative projects fall by the wayside.” . . .
Welcome to the real world.
For a minute, I was not sure if this was an April Fool’s joke, but following your blog for quite a while I would not expect that from you.
It has been a pleasure reading all of your posts and keeping the conversation going. Thanks for the support for my blog too.
I hope your professional life is taking you to the definition of success you choose. Good luck, and I was happy to give you all the fish.
Nice joke.
That’s a great title to use if you really ever did decided to exit the good ole blogsphere!
Have a good one ๐
you almost had me. ๐
Ah, sorry guys, I’ll fess up now – this WAS an April Fool’s day prank. I’ll apologize to those who fell for it. It probably doesn’t come through that well in my writing, but I’m a huge prankster in everyday life. April Fool’s is, obviously, one of my favorite holidays for that reason. *Devilish grin*
If I upset anyone, I’m sorry to hear it. I understand that this was a pretty convincing goodbye, because I did write it from my heart. The only part here that isn’t true is the conclusion, the quitting part. I know things haven’t been right around PTY for months now. I hope to correct that, I really do. But the way to do it is not to stop, there’s still so much more to say, if I can only find the time to do it.
And thanks to everyone for being good sports ๐
Ah, you got me! I should have known too, after last years “I’ve taken up smoking as a hobby.” You’re tricky!
Okay, call me a sucker.
Yikes…I wonder how many people did what I did and Unsubscribed my RSS! I would never have known this was a joke if I hadn’t accidentally ended up here today.
Color me fool-ish as well. And I was so happy for you finally getting to finish up Douglas Adams. Oh well. ๐
Pretty good Fool’s day post. Im a big fan of Douglas Adams’ work as well. Great blog!
Well ok you had me going there for a moment. But hats off for the successful April’s fools prank.
I’m sorry to hear you won’t be blogging anymore. Yep, I do agree with you.. blogging has certainly helped me as well because through blogging, we can express our true feelings and vent. Discussions are great too because you can make a few friends^^