This Lazy Sunday comes to you… on a Monday. I specifically waited an extra day so that I could post the results of the blog scholarship – voting for which ended at 3am Eastern time, this morning.
Congratulations to Kim Klein, the grand prize winner! She’ll have a nice $10,000 to help her get her law degree!
I didn’t make grand prize, or runner-up, but thanks to all of you, I did make the Top 10, which means I’ll be receiving a nice $100! Hey, don’t knock that $100 – that’s two textbooks I don’t have to pay for!
A lot of people have come to me about the “unfairness” of awarding a scholarship, especially one of this size, based on an internet poll. I don’t want to sound in any way like an ungracious loser, but I tend to agree. I hope that if College offers this again next year, they will reconsider the award process.
In other Lazy Sunday news…
REPORTER magazine has their new site up and running, so if any of you are interested in reading the article I was interviewed for, you can now access it online. The article is the cover story from the September 14th issue (PDF), and it starts on page 9 of the PDF file. Sorry – there are no pictures of me! Just an interview on why I had to drop out of school, how I managed to go back, and some advice for my fellow college students.
There is one error in the article – it says that I got a job in web design to pay the bills. This isn’t entirely accurate, but since it’s really hard to explain what I do for my job, I let it slide. Suffice to say, I work “on the internets.”
Thanks Stephanie! I’ve gotten some of the same kind of comments about the unfairness of an internet voting poll, as well. And I have to agree that it does seem crazy to award that much money to someone based on an internet vote! I don’t know if there’s a better way to do it other than just having the staff/board/owners choose, but I imagine there would accusations of unfairness no matter what method they used.
Anyway, I think you have a great blog and hope that you’ll submit it again next year for the contest! Best of luck to you!
Congrats on being in the top ten. An internet poll might not be the best mode for a contest, but it strikes me as appropriate for a blogger award. π And, hey, I’m impressed at the $100. I’m a 32-year-old working girl with an average salary, and I’m still happy when i win $5 prizes. Anything I didn’t have before is a prize to me–but I was born with a “silver lining” personality!
Ok now I am intrigued, what exactly do you do? Is it posted on here somewhere?
Sorry Brandon – that’s a state secret, you’re not cleared for that information! π
Actually, I try not to talk much about my job(s) on this blog – trying to maintain some distance between my work life and my personal life. But I can tell you that my job consists of doing various tasks behind-the-scenes for a website.
Think of it like this: if my job were on a film set, I would have the title of production assistant. People come up with tasks for me, and I go do them.
$100 is indeed better than … zilch. Glad to see you being happy with it. Whenever I see a title ‘Lazy Sunday’, I always grab back to that Kristofferson’ classic Sunday Mornin’ Comin’ Down. Don’t know why. Guess I’m getting old… Good blog, btw, Steph!