This here is a head’s up to my fellow bloggers: my boys over at Millionster are going to be hosting the Carnival of Credit Report Stories on Monday, and since it’s still a baby in the Blog Carnival world (this will only be the third edition!), they need your help!
So if you have an article about credit reports or credit scores, head over there and submit it! They even made this cute little chicklet for the occasion:
So if you’ve got something already, submit it, or maybe consider writing something for the occasion. I’m working on an article for it, which I will be posting tomorrow. Oh, I know, the anticipation is killing you. =)
Hey that means you too ma! Thanks for posting the announcement to your readers!
–Yes come submit any story at all about Credit Reports/Credit Scores. Share your experience with people who can learn from your insight!
Just submit a link to your post using the link that Steph posted or you can also email us at!