If you’ve got an idea for how Twitter can be used to improve the world, and you can communicate it in less than 140 characters, up to $1,400 could be yours!
CollegeScholarships.org, the organization that once gave me a $100 scholarship for this blog (really!) is sponsoring something new called The 140 Scholarship. The entry requirements (from the site):
Currently attending full-time in post-secondary education; and
If you win, you must be willing to allow us to list your name, your picture, and your twitter username, and your winning Tweet on this page.
To enter, you’ll need to tweet your idea for how Twitter can be used to improve the world, and then put out a second tweet @Scholarship with the hashtag #Scholarship and a link to your tweet about how to improve the world.
Hint: to get the link to your tweet to post in your second tweet, click the time (ex. “2 minutes ago”) underneath your first tweet, then copy the address from your address bar when that tweet is alone on the page.
Hurry! The final day to submit your tweet is Thursday, October 29th 2009 — winners will be chosen and announced on October 30th.
The 140 Scholarship from CollegeScholarships.org