I stayed over at my sister’s house last night after baby-sitting her two-year-old daughter (I didn’t get paid for it, but I did get some free macaroni-and-cheese, so I call it a win), and after everyone went to bed, I stayed up real late, enjoying their cable television. This was how I was able to catch the Suze Orman Show for the first time – and two episodes, no less!
Others have expressed their dislike for Suze’s show. I can see where that would come from. She’s pretty in-your-face, but you know what? I really enjoyed the show.
I think this is my official crossing into “financial nerd” territory. Um… hurray?
Anyways, I enjoyed the show. I didn’t mind the way Suze treated most of her callers, and I’ll tell you why. She’s a bit abrasive, but I get the feeling that most of the people that call in already know what the right (“right” meaning “financially smart”) answer is, they’re just calling her so that they can hear someone else say it. And she says it, outright, without mincing words.
I guess, in the end, I liked it because I had fun watching. Yep. I’m a nerd now.
Re: your comment on my blog
You know what’d be cool? If your friend could try to get his credit reports today (before his year is up) and see if it works or not. If not, try again in a couple of days (after his year is up) and see if it works then. That way we could know for sure whether my hypothesis is correct.
People write in to Dear Abby all the time with questions like that. They have a tough situation, they know what they have to do, but they’re hoping that she’ll come up with some magical solution. Unfortunately as most people soon find out after calling in – the thing you think you should do but don’t want to is probably the right choice, although difficult.
I think Suze Orman is great — she always gives reasonable advise. It’s not like she’s telling people what stocks to buy. She gives really practical feedback. She’s hip, friendly, animated, the perfect personality for such a show. I don’t personally care for her focus on marriage and couples (who’s married these days – old people) its kind of ironic to have a show focused on youth and to be talking about married-people issues. Come on, what are we over 30 or something? hehe. jk
your friend in finance. 1mil from millionster.com
Great blog.
I didn’t see much of her focus on marriage – then again, I only saw two episodes. I’m going to read The 9 Steps to Financial Freedom tomorrow on the plane, so that should give me some more to think on when it comes to Suze.
Thank you guys for coming by! =)
I love Suze even though I am not poor. I am worth millions (of cents). Literally millions!
Yes, many people will resist the truth if it is said straight to them.
Those who do hear the message and don’t fight it with their ego will actually benefit the most from Suze’s approach.
Suze’s attitude kind of reminds me of Simon from American Idol and everyone loves to hate him, so she’ll probably be around for a long time.
I agree, Orman probably has an ego problem and rubs a lot of people the wrong way – but you can’t deny the value of her tips if you can get past her sometimes abrasive attitude.
Suze may seem abrasive to some…but I think not. Many professionals may seem that way because they see people every day avoiding common sense, and making their situations much more complex than need be, regarding personal finance, health, etc.
Suzy Orman has convinced me that she really cares, especially about women. I try never to miss her, including her PBS Festival shows, and even her time selling on the air.
Meant to add that she prevented me from making a serious mistake prepaying for a funeral.
I agree you either like or don’t like her. I found her last book wonderful (straight up, easy to read, practical and honest). But the show callers are not to blame… they twist your words for what SHE wants to talk about. I call to ask one thing and next thing you know, something they told me to bring up is mentioned and not only is my question NOT answered, but I talked about a scbject that can’t be changed … she whouldn’t know it because there is NO WAY you can keep talking as she goes on and one, and cuts you off; it’s the show format. Some problems can’t be solved in three mniutes; you need an hour .
Suze really knows her stuff and although she is very animated, I would not call her abrasive. She is a confident woman and appears that way on air and wants to prevent as many people from making financial mistakes as possible. She has to keep the show moving to get enough people in – hence the “cut off” of people. I love her advice and wish there had been a Suze Orman 35 years ago. I would be in much better financial shape today!