This blog has yet to find its purpose. I imagine it as a scared little boy (as opposed to my self-actualized female superhero blogs, who know exactly what they’re doing in this world), wandering around, emulating everything he sees on TV, waiting to find the perfect fit.
Oh, he’ll figure it out. Someday.
There are some things I like about this blog, which is why I haven’t dumped it altogether. The ease of posting, the RSS feed, and the commenting features are all things I have lacked and wished for in the past. Something good will go here, eventually, and I’m thinking I’ve finally figured out what.
I’ve been addicted to personal finance blogs since the start of the school year. Perhaps it’s my own lack of funds, but I adore reading about all the ways I could potentially get out of debt and start my retirement fund, especially since most of these blogs are snarky or humorous.
I think I could be snarky and humorous about my money (er, lack thereof), too.
If I remember to update. Bring me some readers, and I will!
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