HP and Microsoft have graciously provided me with a sweet laptop bundle to give away to one of you guys, in any way that I see fit. Here’s what the prize pack contains:
- 16” HP Pavilion dv6 with built-in Blu-ray drive
- 10” HP Mini 110 (yes, two computers!)
- Syncables software to keep your files up-to-date between the two machines
- Customized “Poorer Than You” Timbuk2 Swig Backpack
Sweet! So what flaming hoops am I going to have you jump through to win this bundle?
Contest Rules
Create a piece of multimedia that embodies a sound personal finance concept. “Multimedia” can be a photo, a drawing, a video, a collage made with software, or even a song if you so choose. I will pick my favorite submissions and feature them here on the blog on Saturday. I will assign each of the best submissions a number and use Randomizer.org to pick the winner!
I am not looking for the most artistic person in the world. I wasn’t a photo major or an art major… I was a film major, but that’s beside the point. I don’t expect you to be any of those things. It should look (or sound) like you put some work into it, but aesthetics will not be the #1 thing I use to pick out my favorites. Pretty is nice, but it’s not the point here.
Things I will be looking for in choosing my favorites:
- Money topics! It’s open to anything (poke around this blog for ideas), but try to keep it relevant to college students or 20-somethings. It can be something simple, like a cool photo of money. Or it can be something big that demonstrates a complex money topic in an easy-to-understand way.
- NO COPYRIGHTED OR TRADEMARKED MATERIAL. Even if it’s unintentional, you cannot use anything that you don’t have the rights to (including pictures used in a collage, or music). Anything that violates copyright law will be automatically disqualified.
- Fun! Personal finance can seem really dull and boring sometimes. It’s your job to make it fun and get people excited about money with your creation.
If you want to do something other than one of the multimedia forms I’ve already mentioned (photo, drawing, video, collage, music), contact me before you start your project. Let me know what you’re thinking of doing, and I’ll let you know if it will qualify for the contest.
Entries must be submitted by Noon Eastern Daylight Time, August 22nd. No entries submitted after that time will be considered, no matter how good they are. The number of “favorite submissions” will depend on the total number and quality of submissions.
Entries must be submitted in the comments section of this post. This means you will have to host your creation elsewhere (your own website, blog, Flickr, Photobucket, YouTube, etc.) and just paste the link into a comment. DO NOT JUST POST THE LINK IN THE “WEBSITE” FIELD OF YOUR COMMENT! Put the link in the body of the comment. Otherwise it will not be clear whether you are entering the contest or just leaving a regular comment.
Be sure to use a valid email address when leaving your comment — one that you check often! I’ll be using the email address left in the comment to contact the winner.
One entry per person. You can work in a team, if you like, but then it’s one entry per team. And you’ll have to figure out which one of your team members is responsible for winning the laptop bundle.
I reserve the right to delete or disqualify an entry for any reason, including but not limited to copyright violations, multiple submissions, or obscene content. By submitting media into this contest, you give me the right to use your content in upcoming posts on Poorer Than You and other related projects.
Relatives of the site owner (Stephanie) are not allowed to enter. Sorry Mom… I know you really want this bundle, but you can enter the other 24 contests of the Better Together giveaway!
This contest is open to residents around the world and is not restricted to any one location. For areas where customs or taxes would prevent shipment of the bundle, an equivalent credit to the HP online store will be issued. If you have won a bundle in one of the other Better Together giveaways, you are not eligible to enter this one — sorry, no two-fers!
Go go go go! I can’t wait to see what you guys come up with!
I made an entry about the power of compound interest and how you should pay yourself first:
It was fun, thanks for the opportunity!
Ok, here’s my entry! 30 second tip on setting up a budget!
My entry is a photo illustration about the current american economy and how it effects our personal finances.
Sometimes it’s actually cheaper to pay a professional than trying to fix it yourself …
My drawing is about a student pursuing his dream as a scientist. And sees a lot of money in his future
Rashon: your picture is not viewable because of Facebook’s privacy settings. Right click (or on a Mac, I think it’s Command-Click) on the picture, choice “view image” and then copy the site url from that. That should work to let me see your drawing!
Hey Stephanie!
Greets from India! Well here is my entry into the Giveaway:
URL – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HB5hEshhme8
Just some information about the vid. Well I based it on how I have been getting through my college years literally on my own and in a quite self sufficient way (thank you very much!). All the pictures in the video are either from Images with Creative Common’s License or actual screenshots/pics that I have taken of Excel files, my projects, tools etc. Music is also licensed under the CC and is a track called See You Watching Me by Jay Clarke. This track was also freely distributed on one of HP’s other competitions.
Cheers and Thanks for this opportunity!
But but but …. I want those laptops!!! LOL
Yes, readers, this really is my mom. Whining, on my blog. Go win a laptop somewhere else, Mom! 😛
My tip for making money is to select a large empty container
make sure it has a large opening
Then choose a Certain coin of your currency
I would suggest maybe the highest coin of your currency
You should then when you have any of said coin put them into the bottle/container for a year then at the end of the year the coins and take them to your bank and then rinse repeat when necessary
me myself i am currently collecting two pound coins but have yet to find a suitable container to hold them
thank you
That’s a good tip Colin! Do you think you could express it in a picture or a video or a Powerpoint or anything? It’s gotta be something other than text to count as an entry!
Yay! I believe this should be the lucky link lol. Sorry.
That one works! Thanks Rashon!
My entry is about the College Lifecycle, the demands of college life, the key elements that make up every students tertiary experience: Money, Textbooks, Time, Food (Ramen) and of course studying for your goal, with the root or starting point of all these things going back to Money and how you manage it to your advantage.
hello! thanks a lot for the opportunity,
so ..here´s my humble attempt
hoppes good enough for a chance and you enjoy it as much as i did when doing it!!
My entry is a photo of my son with his first car; a used 1994 Honda Civic, for which he worked hard this summer. Buying a quality used car (no, that’s not an oxymoron) is a smart thing to do when you’re trying to keep expenses down (car payments/insurance.)
Thanks for this opportunity!
I believe money should be fun, really. So I have a idea for students or whomever needs to save and its cheap and kind of good. So i made a video to help save money and I need to take my own advice myself. haha. Anyway. I oh so need a laptop. I cannot afford one as many cannot. I wish all you well and good luck also, heres my entry.
Well, as much as I tried; I hope this entry will qualify for an entry. I’m not a techie pro nor do I have any spectacular tips, but so far…they’ve worked for me and my family.
Here’s my entry for a few tips that can help put you a little closer to your financial goals:
Good luck to all…even if I don’t win, I had fun!!!
-barbarabaker 🙂
Sorry, I thought I’d mention that the music in this video was via microsoft sample music file that comes in the computer when you purchase it…I don’t know if I should have stated that before or not.
Thanks so much again!!!!
-barbarabaker 🙂
My entry is a short slideshow with some advice for students that I hope they heed!
Take a look here:
Thanks for hosting this excellent giveaway!
A snapshot of me and my crew keeping frugal on travel expenses. Riding bicycles around college towns to campus and fast food joints saves me from spending money on gas, insurance, maintenance; all that cash can be funneled into rent, savings, or time at the bar!
Hey Steph, that’s pretty awesome that your mom reads your site. I can’t even get my mom to read mine…
Also, these laptops are freaking awesome people, so get involved here!
I took that photo on a recent trip to New York (Dec, 2008). It works in two ways with relation to college. 1) As a place many college graduates think they’ll end up and 2) As a place many college students don’t understand.
With regards to money and finances, smart investing in one’s early years can help in the long run. But simply understanding the stock market can help all types of college students in their professional careers, not just business majors.
Here’s another try – a graphic this time!
Would you like to have this entry replace the other one? Because it’s only one entry per person.
i don’t know – which do you like better? 😉 no, let’s keep the other one.
hmm ok lets see if i can do this
i know its not looking much this time but i did pay for my last trip abroad with the last collection
ok third try hehe
Keep track of your money! Always jot down how much you spend and what you spend it on!
The queen is watching 😉
Good luck everyone.
Here’s my attempt, a macro shot of some money (being a student, I couldn’t find much in my wallet!)
Hiya 🙂
I decided to take a creative approach. I made a rhyme touting a business tip and then decided to turn it into a rap. This is my first and only time trying to make a beat, so it’s nothing to write home about, but I hope someone gets a smile from it!
I used Audacity to put together the file and a free instrumental clip for the background music (http://ibeat.org/free-rap-beats/).
Check it out at the following link:
If you’d like a copy of the lyrics or want to work out a record deal (HA!), drop me a line at bogdizzle@gmail.com
Mine is about the trouble that is frivolous spending.
Mine is where it is at! A Graphical representation that is the horror of paying just minimum payments:
A simple picture with an insightful message.
Some change I found outside that was added to my piggy bank. Hey, it’s free and it will eventually go into my savings account! :p
I had a blast doing it. But its not very good here is the link to my blog where I posted it. 1st time using Youtube and didn’t have much luck.
I did have lots of fun though.
Last December, I tried to join HP’s Magic Giveaway Contest across 50 blogs but didn’t win. I created a video for it and I want to submit that video again for this new HP contest. My financial situation hasn’t changed (in fact, gotten worse due to recession) so if I had to recreate a video, it would still sound as the one I did before.
So, here’s my entry and I hope you will consider me.
Here are the things new to me since that video:
* I’m now 22.
* I only earn $200/month – supporting my parents and brothers, and bring food on the table.
* I now run a video tech podcast called Tech Conclave (go search) and hoping that all my efforts would reward me one day. However, the system I am currently using is very slow and it’s always a pain to wait 4 hours to render a 10-minute video.
I have to admit, this likely won’t be the prettiest or fanciest offering, but using the strategies illustrated in this photo saved me over $1000 last year.
How? I combine coupons (which I organize in a binder) with loyalty points cards (sign up for all of them! that way they don’t influence where you buy) and the SPC (Student Price Card) which offers 10% discounts at Zellers, where you can buy food, toiletries, clothes and college/university supplies, as well as discounts at hundreds of other stores and restaurants. Add in watching for sales, price matching and the savings add up fast.
Oops! Let’s try this link:
My entry:
About living and striving in a financially plundered country.
A country that produces food for ten times its population,
but where 60 % of the children are under nurtured.
hii,, i have made a stunning video, which is made after doing lots technical efforts,, u must see this. .& hope i get selected..
I drew on some legal tender…if only the gov’t would print them out this way 😉
I took this photo to illustrate my fav saving tip:
Whenever I see $1 coins in my wallet (or loonies as we call them in Canada) I stash them away in a coin jar. It’s a compulsory rule I set up for myself. In the first 7 months, I was able to save up over $200 without really doing much (used the extra moo-lah during my grad trip to Japan, btw) It’s the little, but consistent savings that make a difference in the end.
The photo was taken in Dave&Buster’s…one of those push-the-coins-over-the-edge game machines. To me, the idea of the photo resonates with the above saving tip. 🙂
It’s a lesson I’ve had to learn over the years. Sorry for my handwriting!
Hi everyone! My entry is quite simple and is relative to absolutely anyone who has access to the internet. I decided to steer a little away from the ‘money’ topic and focus more on the ‘free stuff’ topic. As a university student, I know money doesn’t grow on trees, that it’s not fun to deal with and spending money…well, it’s more about saving money these days. But, wait a minute. Why buy it…when you can win it?
Cnt stop spending money?! Hide it!
Switch to PC Financial to experience their unlimited number of transactions and no fees.
My top financial advice here (entry):
Lyrics here (if you need them):
(Recorded with Audacity, music composed with Sibelius. And it sounds better with headphones. *hint, hint*).
Translation in a nutshell:
Avoid debt–spending money you don’t have.
Keep short accounts–build credit and favor.
Invest…in people.
Simple money-saving tips http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CdZtvvUDTNg
My video entry is about Saving your money by utilizing coupons. This is a really easy one to do.We all see them but not everyone uses them. I started clipping coupons when I was really strapped for cash few years ago.Now it’s become a hobby and I smile every time I see the savings on the receipt. I actually have a savings account rather than living pay cheque to pay cheque. I take the money I save from coupons every month and deposit it in the bank.
For my contest entry, I am submitting a Haiku about a good stock investing tip. It’s like a song, only better…
choosing the right stocks
patience is the true virtue
research, watch, then act!
I got to say, for something so simple looking, I ended up spending more time on this then I would like to admit. I knew I wanted to do a Haiki because that was the first thing that popped in my head when you said song. After that, it was the matter of choosing a appropriate theme along with words to fit the tight syllable requirements.
My photo shows the tip on saving money: Be smart about how you spend your money and plan out how you should spend your money before actually spending it!
My tip is to save when you can even if it is a small amount, because over time, little by little, it becomes a big amount.
(i did not post my link on here so im re posting my entry…its the same one)
I loved making films when I was at school, trying to encourage my children to be creative this is one of our low budget films, keeps them occupied when we film/edit & add text & hopefully create the next Speilberg! (maybe you should see our version of ET!)We may not have much money but we can be entertained
I don’t know if it counts, since I made the video before you announced the contest, but my tip (on iMommyTalk) is to make your kids help you pay for their back-to-school clothes: http://imommytalk.com/post/Back-to-School-Budget-Have-Your-Kids-Help-You-Pay.aspx
I am currently unemployed, and my husband is a student, so I got him to think ahead each semester and try to buy his books online. They are always cheaper than at the campus bookstore.
Time is money! Spend it wisely! Choose your activities wisely, especially in college. Time is the one thing you can never get back.
I am submitting a picture which depicts that US economy is coming out of recession.(I’m not a professional so I used MS-Paint to make this.)
Thanks for providing such opportunity.
I decided to do make my entry about my general college life/finance motto’s.
They’ve served me pretty well so far! Except, I’m usually stupid and break one anyone.
Ugh, typo!
Except, I’m usually stupid and break one anyway*
I give up; I missed another typo in there. I’m sleep deprived and mistakenly assumed I could type.
I decided to make my entry*
Hi Stephanie.
My entry is a video explaining index funds as a great way to get started investing:
Thanks for hosting the contest. It was a lot of fun to make the video. 🙂
This creative video is something I pulled together for my dad Ronn Cooney, he was a key grip in the entertainment industry with a career spanning 45 years in TV, film, and commercials, he passed away on Oct 27, 2009.
More about his background, he worked for an array of award winning directors, cameramen, and actors. His career highlights included “Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner” (1956), “Twister” (1996), and already released “Seven Pounds.” He also worked on numerous television shows including currently running “90210.” Donald M. Morgan, ASC, remembers, “Ronn had a reputation for getting the job done, whether it was helping to mold soft light, rigging car mounts, moving walls, or just quietly much needed advice. He had a big heart, and loved his work with a passion.”
URL : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=atj_k6h_2Hs
I have finished my comic as my submission. It is located here:
It’s generally a play on “Knowledge is Power” with a little fun – basically making the point that personal finance is a personal thing, one needs to learn a lot about the topic and make the best decision for themselves.
My submission was a quick art sketch on the computer,
Represents a lot of people’s money problems, including mine 😛
I bought used textbooks last year and saved quite a lot of money.
One of my experiences buying used textbook as a visa parody. Enjoy.
My entry is a short video representing the dangers of debt in college.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x4DyOugPFUM or for better quality:
Thanks for the contest, I had fun making the video.
Here’s my entry:
This is a drawing I have on my bedroom wall. I use it to motivate myself – I have a (small) problem with wasting money, and I’m trying really hard to get over this problem, or at least stop it from getting worse.
I actually don’t go to college yet, but I’m going next year (in NZ, the school year school starts in January), and that’s when I’ll *need* to be able to manage my money well.
The drawing reminds me daily what will happen to my savings (I do have a little bit stored up!) if I don’t manage my impulses.
Ah…beer. Such a staple of the college student diet. My tip is simple- a little goes a long way if you take the effort to return empty beer bottles. Most people can’t be bothered to return their bottles…but here are two good reasons to:
1) You know they’ll be recycled for sure- great for the environment! (i sometimes wonder if all bottles get properly recycled when mixed in with all the other plastics & glass in the recycle bin. When i bring my beer empties in, they sort them into clear, brown, & green bottle batches. This makes me feel quite certain they will get recycled).
2) Here’s the money part! While some people think the small change you get back for bringing in empties isn’t worth their effort…this is where i say a little goes a long way. My parking spot is right close to the garbage/recycle area. Sure enough, every Sunday there are on average 1-3 24 packs of empties sitting around. As i head out to the grocery store, I’ll pack my trunk full. 10 cents a bottle means $2.40 a 24 pack. I’ve easily returned over $100 of other peoples bottles by now! (of course, i might pick them up ‘later’ if there are people around…;) and only touch the boxes that look clean & dry).
Now, keep in mind i don’t go around looking for empties…which i suppose there’s nothing wrong if you do. But for me, it’s just convenient, i’m practically walking over them going to my car.
And once in a while I’ll flip a box of empties for a lottery ticket. Hey, why not!
If you don’t got a car, remember that an empty box of bottles is still lighter than the groceries you’ll be carrying home.
That’s it!
oops, i put my image link in the ‘website’ part…not the body of the comment.
here’s a photo i took of some empties i have in the kitchen right now. I tried to be as artistic as i can 😉
ps, i just saw how long my first comment way…i apologize..should be more concise! please try to read through it!
I got stuck working today, so I couldn’t really finish it the way I wanted to, but here is my illustration of why you should pay off your credit cards every month.
sorry for double posting & i wish i could edit my comments to shorten everything.
anyway, the first photo i posted got resized. here’s the one i want to submit:
Greetings, Stephanie. My entry is a powerpoint on tips to savings on college textbooks.
This is the first time I have uploaded a powerpoint online. I was a bit disappointed to find out that special effects don’t work on Slideshare. So my powerpoint is not just plain slide after slide.
As for copyrighted material, I don’t know if this counts or not, I included some company logos as to illustrate what companies are available for students such as amazon, ebay etc. I hope that’s okay for you.
What?? A bndle giveaway? How come I didn’t even knew about it until today. I didn’t even had a chance to enter 🙁
Kanika, there are still 16 laptop bundles that haven’t been given away yet! Check out http://www.backtoschoolgiveaways.com to see all the sites involved!