It happened last year on my birthday. I alluded to it in last month’s net worth update. Yes, it’s happening: together with HP and Microsoft, I’m giving away a laptop bundle on Poorer Than You this month!
As a part of a massive 25-blog giveaway called “Better Together” I’ll be giving away a delicious prize pack that’s designed specifically for college students:
- 16” HP Pavilion dv6 with built-in Blu-ray drive
- 10” HP Mini 110 (yes, two computers!)
- Syncables software to keep your files up-to-date between the two machines
- Customized “Poorer Than You” Timbuk2 Swig Backpack
You can learn much more about the two computers in the bundle on Thursday, because in addition to providing a bundle to give away, HP also loaned me a second bundle to review. So check back on Thursday for some in-depth descriptions! (Or subscribe to the RSS feed or you can subscribe by email!)
So when can you enter to win? And how? Well, just like last year, the details of “how” won’t be revealed until my specially assigned giveaway-day. But I can tell you when that will be! Here are all of the sites that will be holding one of these giveaways, and their giveaway dates:
Student Bloggers | 12th August |
Geek Zone | 13th August |
Kill Jill Goes to College | 14th August |
Study Successful | 15th August |
Gear Live | 16th August |
CampusGrotto | 17th August |
Poorer Than You | 18th August |
Notebooks | 19th August |
ThePrereq. | 20th August |
Hack College | 21st August |
College Times | 22nd August |
OSNN | 23rd August |
Green Panda Treehouse | 24th August |
Building Camelot | 25th August |
Mocha Dad | 26th August |
College Candy | 27th August |
Studenomics | 28th August |
The 2.0 Life | 29th August |
Geeks room | 30th August |
Debt Free Scholar | 31st August |
One Day One Job | 1st September |
Daddy Forever | 2nd September |
Clinton Fitch | 3rd September |
Zen College Life | 4th September |
Gear Diary | 5th September |
So get yourself back here on the 18th and enter to win!
Your parents mentioned this to me when I was at the hospital. I know it has been awhile since I was a college student but I continue to be a student of life.
Good luck with your move.
please enter me for draw. I really wanted a laptop, fingers crossed, eh?
@Cara: The contest to get a free laptop is here:
You can read all the details at that link. Hurry! Entries will only be accepted before noon on Saturday!
Best of luck to everyone who enters the contest. If you win the laptop you consider software protection.
Check out our website to learn how to protect your laptop at school.
hello today is August 21 and it’s my 22nd birthday and I have just enrolled in college and have been accepted to University of Phoenix this is my first year and I’m going for medical administration. I am signed up for online courses but the thing is I qualify for finacial aid but i have to take my courses for atleast 4 to 6 weeks before I get the financial aid and I do not own a personal computer of my own so I have to drive 30 Miles away to my aunt’s house to do my courses so I could really use this laptop so that I can just do it from home so wish me Good luchk and Good luck to everyone thank you. Amber