My personal finance story was recently profiled in the article “Financial Struggles During College Taught Stephanie About Saving” in Debt.com’s Very Personal Finance series. I really enjoyed being interviewed by Brian Bienkowski for this piece. He was very interested in what happened early on in my money journey, so it was a trip down memory lane for me.
If you’re just joining us here at Poorer Than You from the Debt.com profile, welcome! You’ve had a pretty good introduction to the beginning of my story from the article. Now, here’s some more in-depth posts for you to sink your teeth into:
- The full story of why I left schoolΒ at the end of 2006
- And why I went back to school in late 2007
- The insane spreadsheet and other tricks I used to pay off my credit card debt
- My super-eventful move from the New York Finger Lakes to Northern Virginia
- That one time that I sold my hair on eBay for fun and for profit
- All the nitty-gritty (financial) details of my pregnancy on Obamacare
- More than 11 years of monthly Net Worth updates, starting from the beginning
If you enjoy what you see, I hope you’ll stick around. You can subscribe to new updates in a feed reader like feedly, or sign up to get new posts delivered to your email inbox. You can also find me on Twitter as @Stephonee, follow me on Pinterest, or like Poorer Than You on Facebook. I’m also on Google+ I guess, but does anyone else really use that?
And because I loved my trip down memory lane so much, I invite you to take your own in the comments below! How did you get started on your financial journey?
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