Updating my net worth is usually one of my favorite things to do, but these last few months it’s been kinda depressing. Moving, being in a transitional stage, looking for work while unemployment is high… it hasn’t really done wonders for my financial situation. But maybe things are looking up for the month of September?
Change: -$358 or -0.93 %
Well, not exactly looking up, per se. But it’s not as bad as it looks, either. See, a big chunk of what I spent my money on this month was prepaying my car insurance for six months, and prepaying my renters insurance for one year. Together, those two things cost $382.39. That means I made enough money in September to cover all of my other bills and expenses, plus a little bit of my insurance. That’s not so bad!
Things are looking up for October. Even though one of my gigs will end in a week an a half, another one is just ramping up starting yesterday. And there’s a meeting for another potential one later this month. I have by no means arrived, but I’m no longer in panic mode.
Thanks for all the good vibes, everyone! It helps to know I have a mini cheering section out there!
Good work! You’re a Top 100 blog, may I ask how much you make from advertising? That should help your income no?
Hey Samurai! Welcome to the site 🙂
I’ve never given exact numbers on what the site makes, mostly because it varies widely from month to month. But I will say that it averages out to below $150/month (gross, so less with taxes), and for the time I put into it, it certainly doesn’t pay above minimum wage!
Congrats on the (small) drop. When the net worth goes down, making it go down by just a little bit is still something worth celebrating. 🙂
As for the advertising income, I think I can safely say for the both of us it’s not going to be the “get rich quick” scheme of the century; but it doesn’t make it any less fun. Every piece of income – no matter how small – is an income you otherwise would not have had.
Oh, and happy belated Birthday 🙂
I’m sure your income will pick up once we get out of this slump/recession that the country is in at the moment. Until we get there, I wish you the best of luck in all of your finances! 🙂
I saw that you are at the bottom of the wealthy blogger list. If it makes you feel any better if I blogged I’d be below you!
Thanks Alan – it’s doesn’t really make me feel better per se (I want you to have money and happiness!), but it’s nice to know I’m not the only one staring at a massively negative net worth. No worries, though – life goes on and hey, at least the name of my site is still pretty accurate!