There's been a lot of buzz around the financial blog community lately about saving money on textbooks. At The Simple Dollar, Trent suggests getting the Visa and using it only for textbooks, and paying it off immediately each time with your … [Continue reading]
The Debt Snowball Plan
There are lots of theories about how to best eliminate your debt, but the best one I've seen is the Debt Snowball Theory (The Simple Dollar has a good explanation of it). In short, you list all of your debts, ranking them by interest rate. You pay … [Continue reading]
Random Money-Related Memory
Fifth grade. My parents were in some kinda of financial crunch, as usual. Only this time, their crunch came right at back-to-school time. So, no back-to-school clothes for 9-year-old Stephanie! I didn't care that much, really. My parents promised me … [Continue reading]
Save Some Tip #2: Ride That Bus!
Does your area have good public transportation? Mine doesn't. Because I live in the boonies. It's literally five miles to the nearest gas station or convenience store. The only thing within walking distance of me is a sketchy trailer park filled with … [Continue reading]
Financial Breakdown

I was contemplating the question, "Where do you see yourself in 10 years?" and I starting thinking, "Wait! Where am I now?" Here's the breakdown of my finances... The Man With No Name style! The Good: cash, checking, savings, assets, etc. … [Continue reading]