The two sides of my brain were fighting just now. If you could sneak a microphone into my ear, you would have heard this:
“Oh… oh… my fingers itch! I want to do this so bad!”
“No! Wait until you get your paycheck on Friday!”
“But… but… but… I just got some PayPal payments and there’s enough money in the account!”
“Wait! It’s only a few days! Slow down!”
“Psssh… forget you! It’s just moving money between my checking and savings accounts… I can always move it back.”
And with that, I made the last payment into my Credit Card Payoff savings account.
My friends, that debt is gone.
Gone-ish. The cash is going to sit in the saving account until October, because my 0% APR lasts until the end of my November statement. I’m going to just collect the interest on the savings account, and make the minimum payments out of it, and then pay off the whole balance a month before the intro rate ends.
Tomorrow we’ll talk about what’s next. I’m gonna bask in the glow for just one day.
Booyah, indeed–way to go, Steph! Can’t wait to hear your plans for what’s next.
mfaorbust’s last blog post..Cheapish, healthyish summertime drinks
Congratulations! I’m sure that was a huge psychological (and financial) victory — hope you enjoy it. Look forward to hear what comes next.
Richard @ Student Scrooge’s last blog post..Lessons on New York City Taxis
Congrats to you! You must feel great!!!!! Way to Go!!!!!!
Congratulations! Been lurking and following your efforts for a while now so I’m glad for you. Smile and keep up the good work!
PMG’s last blog post..Property Management Accounting Software
WAHOO!!!!! Big congratulations!
GG @ This Writer’s Wallet’s last blog post..5 Things Every College Freshman Needs to Know
Nice work! I hope you have hung on to that debt-free feeling so that you can remind yourself in the future how great it was. Having that giant weight lifted from your shoulders can improve all areas of your life and health. Best of luck in keeping yourself debt-free!