August has been hot, hot, hot! Weather wise, certainly, but I also made it worse by making a (work-related) trip to Miami in the middle! Let’s see if my finances had a similar toasty trend:
Change: $2,070 or +6.77 %
Indeed, it was a good month! However, it also represents my last month of steady employment. (My employer moved out of state and I remain in Virginia.) The money I made in all those nice upward-sloping months on this graph needs to last me through my job search. Which means that September will almost certainly be a “down” month, as little income comes in, and I still pay bills including my student loans, car insurance, etc..
Still, I’m quite optimistic — although September will be a “down” month on the graph, it’s not a surprise and it’s something I planned for. Just like when I graduated and knew I’d have to draw on my Getting Established fund for a while.
Everyone think good thoughts for me while I do interviews for new jobs! 🙂
If you have any questions about my net worth or how it is calculated, feel free to ask them in the comments. Also, if you’d like to see how I stack up against other personal finance bloggers, be sure to check out The Wealthy Blogger List. (Spoiler alert: the name of my site is highly accurate.)
Very interesting chart. I’m scared to chart my net worth! Hopefully things will turn around soon.
Why are you in VA? Are you located in upstate NY?
Hey Давид!
I used to live in upstate New York – I moved down to northern Virginia last year.
I’m pretty sure if I did a chart like this a few years ago. It would be under the x axis. Haha.
Hi Josh! Take a second look at the chart above – mine is all under the X-axis! Negative numbers… ah, well, at least it’s going up!
I totally missed that post. Awesome. Welcome to NoVA!
By the way, you’ve been doing great with your net worth lately. Good job!
~Dave in Fairfax County
Stumbled on your blog this afternoon – very good information. Are you sure you’re not a professional? If my company had funds, I’d hire you – good luck with your interviews!
At least you’re on your way up!! better than being on the other side of the coin.
I have a 1992 Oldsmobile its got comfortable seats tho. lol
This is very interesting and awesome! 🙂
Yes being on your way up is the way to go, congratulations.